Thc Bottle

A standardized system for labeling food and beverage products containing THC.

The Purpose

  • Avoid consumer confusion
  • Aid in preventing underage consumption
  • Eliminate unintentional consumption
  • Provide accurate concentration level

What is THC?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant, commonly known as marijuana. Put simply, THC is the part of marijuana that makes you feel “high.”


Marijuana-infused products

When “marijuana-infused” products are prepared, the THC is extracted from the plant (typically in liquid form) and used as an additive in food and beverages. Popular products made with THC include juices, soda, candy, cookies, granola bars, cakes and other various baked goods.



Because marijuana remains illegal on a federal level, individual states must develop and enforce their own rules for the labeling and packaging of marijuana and marijuana goods. Which means…


Thc Bottle

There are no official standards for labeling products that are made
with marijuana.

Cause for Concern

The greatest concern is that the packaging for “marijuana-infused” products is indistinguishable from everyday goods. Although these products are only available  in licensed shops to customers who are at least 18 years old and/or possess a medical card, once these products leave their retail environment they appear to be harmless, fun, and trendy. This has led to many cases of mistaken or unintentional use, and perpetuates underage consumption.


Because the requirements for labeling and packaging “marijuana-infused” products varies from state-to-state– the content, warning, and dosing information ranges from confusing and discrete to nonexistent. Most states require the listing of marijuana in the ingredients, and in some cases, the measurement of dry herb used to create each product. In actuality, the amount of THC extracted from the dry herb is a more accurate depiction of the strength/content.
The levels of THC fluctuate depending on the strain and potency of the marijuana. The method of extraction will also yield various results. Listing the measurement of THC, rather than dry herb, will provide consumers with a better understanding of the product’s effect.  Products that contain THC, or any type of mind-altering substance, should be clearly labeled and easily recognizable by the general public.

Retail Products

To the right are examples of popular products that contain THC, accompanied
by the information found on their labels.
The content and available information
vary in prominence and placement.


Click on a slide to view larger.


An iconic system identifiable to the general public that provides necessary product content information.

THE system:
In simplified form, this system
clearly labels products that
contain THC. Additionally, this
system could be accompanied
by the measurement of THC per
product and the state(s) in
which it is legal for retail sale.




  • One color or black/white
  • Horizontal or vertical layout
  • Expandable to include detailed information

System elements

  1. Universally recognized symbol
  2. Clear communication of contents
  3. Measurement of concentration
  4. States where product is legally sold


The following graphic should be placed on the front panel of the package. It should be no smaller than 1″ wide.

THC Choc bars


If products that contain THC display a consistent point-of-communication, the general public will be able to identify these products (inside and outside the retail environment) and consumers will be better educated on the effects.


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What others are saying…

  • Rich Dolkar { I'm curious as to why you would label this products as containing THC and not just say marijuana. Everybody knows marijuana and yo use the leaf in the logo. } – Aug 11, 11:12 PM
  • Jamie N. { This is a very interesting proposal. I had no idea there was such a variety of marijuana goods. } – Aug 11, 10:51 PM


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